viernes, 20 de julio de 2012

My Estonian friend Rasmus :)

Two years ago I met a guy who is from Estonia, his name’s Rasmus Joseph and he’s 26. He lives in Tallin, he’s married and he’s got two sons. 

I met him because he came to malaysia two years ago; he's a businessman and at that time he was working for a laboratory equipment manufacturer company. The UM needed at that time some Stomachers, which are an effective systems for homogenization of materials to analysis, providing a pollution-free process and eliminating the potential aerosol formation. Before he arrived to Malaysia, I knew that he would be here, I was in the Welcome Comite for him. The Faculty of Science was in charge of negociate with him, so, after two days, the UM made the purchase of the equipment and they were renewed the laboratories.

Once, I asked him: Sir, do you ever touched the snow? He laughed and told me: Yes, I did it. 
Me: And how is it? 
Rasmus: Cold. I was confused, but then I laughed too.

We were talking about our countries for a moment and he said me that he would like to go ith his family to Pulau Redang. Pulau Redang is an island, is really beautiful. To get to Pulau Redang Island, one of the largest on the coast of Malaysia, you have to arrive from Kuala Terengganu or Merang through boats, even on the island there's a small airport.

When I’ve got free time, usually at night, after doing the homework, I connect by MSN and if he's connected too, we start to chatting for awhile. I hope see him again and meet his family. For the time being, we are chatting by MSN and we're knowing deeper the country of each.

Rasmus and his wife

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